Wednesday 18 June 2008


VERY exciting day today, Edward rolled over for the first time!! He's been gradually getting closer the last few days, and today has managed to do it lots of time as he's now finally figured out how to coordinate his arms, head and body in one 'smooth' rolling motion hurrah!

Of course capturing a proper full roll on camera is proving impossible he keeps doing it when I go out of the room and I come back to find him laid on his tummy looking highly pesty and proud of himself.

He also had a bit of a giggle today, but as with all the other milestones so far I don't really count 'odd flukes' I only get excited when he can do it consistently.

On the weaning side he managed a good tablespoon of butternut squash, it went down better than the sweet potato, and then he managed to drink all his milk.

His new Bumgenius Version 3 reusable nappies arrived today, they are really nice, and better for sitting in than the Blueberrys. I got them second hand, but you can't tell they are really nice and have hardly been used so I'm very pleased.

All in all a good day in the world of Edward-Tedward :o)

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