Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Video Diary

Breakfast - Nectarine and rice

Lunch - Rusk and a very unpopular bit of lamb and vegetables out of a jar

Supper - Potato, carrot and chicken (largely worn as a facepack) followed by yoghurt

Edward has been VERY unenthusiastic about food today I'm not really sure why, I think I may need to cut his milk back as I upped it while he was teething. We will see how things go tomorrow though it could all be a bit of a pickle as we are going to see Mr Chris in Reading.

I have finally done some videos which I have been meaning to do for a while. I think all the BLW the last few days has rather gone to Edward's head and he has now decided he's too grown up to be fed. The only way to get any dinner down him was to load the spoon up and then let him put it in his mouth....though I feel the coating of food that everything got shows we still have some way to go with this.

Edward has been rolling and wriggling round the room for some time now, however this 'crawling practice' where he gets himself onto all fours has only been happening for about a week, I think it is a major indicator that true crawling is just around the corner and he looks ever so cute when he does it, though amusingly it also often looks like he is trying to hump things like a randy dog!

1 comment:

diddyangel said...

He is just so unbelievably cute!! I want him!!