Tuesday 22 July 2008

Piggy Wiggy Day...well that's what happens once you are over 7 months old :o)

Check out that monkey-baby concentration hehe!

Breakfast - Apricot and banana cereal followed by a Yoghurt

Lunch - Chicken pie and rice pudding

Supper - Half a banana

Edward has done very well today and eaten lots of food. He's also been pretty good about opening his mouth so that I could feed him and swallowing his food without spitting too much of it out again in the process.

I felt it was high time the monkey-baby finally had fresh banana, I have been wossing out up to now as someone warned me it leaves black stains if you don't clean it out quickly, however my worries were unfounded as all of it went down the hatch and in an impressively lumpy state, to start with I actually gave him the banana whole to play with, and then when he got bored I diced it up really finely and tried to mush it though it's was perfectly ripe and so still a little too firm to mash easily.

He gagged a little a few times but my reaction to this has always been to just tell him calmly that it is all ok and it is just lumps in a nice calm voice, it seems to do the trick, and is a much better way of dealing with it than screaming and panicking as that would only panic him and make him frightened of lumps.

We have found Edward a fantastic website for him to play on as he loves hitting the keyboard to the point he makes a dive for it whenever he gets remotely close to one! Though I have reservations about him playing on the computer as I don't want him to end up like his parents I can see that in moderation they are fun and goodness knows I spend enough hours on mine so I can't criticize, for those who are into bright colours and loud simple noises head here!

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