Why Ello Monsier Mange Tout!
Poor little Edward-Tedward is indeed as I suspected not a well bunny. After being unsettled and grumpy all evening yesterday he actually started screaming and crying just as Luke and I were about to go to bed. We cuddled him and gave him capol and put saline drops in his nose, eventually he fell asleep in Luke's arms, but we kept him in the bed with us all night as he kept waking and it was easier to keep an eye on him and keep him comforted in with us. By morning he'd cheered up significantly and seemed alot less snotty so I took him out with me as I had a few things to get done around town today.
Breakfast - Banana and porridge
Lunch - Apple puree and yoghurt
Snack - Rusk
Supper - He tried some potato mash which he pretty much refused so I gave him some more banana and porridge. For the first time he tried mange tout with Philidelphia and some with hummus, he didn't really eat the mange tout but he enjoyed sucking off the Philly and hummus.
Sadly this evening he's obviously feeling rather rubbish again, he's grumpy, has been crying a little bit , is quite snotty and generally not himself. I know it's just a cold and nothing major but it's so upsetting to see him crying real little tears :o(